Thursday, February 12, 2009

Yucky Messages.....

Today I accomplished a lot of things. I made decisions and took on scary challenges. So I have been totally playing chicken shit when it comes to my little Miata aka McLovin friend. Poor little McLovin called me today to "check in" and left me a nice message which any girl who had actual interest in a guy would be very happy to receive. But instead, I got it. made me cringe when I saw it was him calling me tonight around 9ish (yeah, I was STILL at work...I am a slave, I know it). I considered picking up the phone for like 3 seconds, and then I remembered that listening to him on the phone might actually make my ears bleed. So I let it go to voicemail. I did a terrible thing with the voicemail. I can't believe I am going to admit I played the message for my co-worker and we both giggled about it on the way to our cars. I know, I suck.

Tonight I decided to email McLovin. I couldn't bare to be a mature adult and call him on the phone to tell him. Instead, I wrote him an email via eHarmony. So now that I think about it, he's going to get a message letting him know he has an email from me, but instead of being a "Hey McLovin, how are you? I miss you!" email, its going to be the dreaded following:

Hi McLovin,

I received your voicemail tonight. It was very sweet of you to call. I have to be honest with you and myself. I think you're a great guy, but I just don't feel that romantic spark with you. I wish you luck in your pursuit in finding that special someone.


Yup....short, sweet, to the point.

Next, I decided to also contact my older gentleman friend. I have access to older friend via IM, so I went on IM and of course, he was on. I waited for him to send me a message once he saw I was on, but he didn't. So I initiated a message. Asked how he was, blah blah blah. He was very unresponsive....but it also could have been cause it was past his bedtime....who knows. So he was very blah through it all, and I told him I was tired and to take care. I don't think he knows that I meant "take care" as in, I am deleting you, I am dunzo. Who knows. Anyways, I feel like I closed it out there too. And then I deleted him from my friend lists cause his picture pops-up and it kinda freaks me out. I still can't believe I considered it. What was I thinking????

On a lighter note, I started talking to my old friend from HS via facebook. Its really cool to get in contact with people from way back when. He's a really nice guy. We're making plans to meet before 03/10/09 (his deadline). I have no idea what is so special about this date....but that's what he told me tonight...that we have to make plans before this day. Who knows. I will keep you posted. Possible love interest? I don't know. I'll have to meet up with him....but wouldn't that be funny.

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