Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Am Just Not "That" Girl

I've been giving my older gentleman situation lots of thought and consideration over the past few days, and I have come to realize that the entire arrangement is just not me. I am not like The Real Housewives of OC. I am a girl from the valley. I work hard. I pay for my own things. I know how to have fun and live my life without the aide/weight of a man. I am just not that kind of girl. I can not go out with someone for only the novelty of it all. I need to be vested in trying to pursue something else with the person. And if I do go out with someone casually, it has to be someone that is not old enough to be my father. Its like the more I think about it, the more wrong it feels. As awesome as the following statement is about to sound, I can not settle for being someone's Trophy Girlfriend! I have not broken the news to my older gentleman friend. Yesterday was the first day we did not communicate since we've started talking to each other. I am going to take the chicken way out as long as possible. When he does call me to inquire why I have been MIA, I will have to be honest with him and tell him that the age difference really freaks me out. I am sure he will understand and move on to some LA Bimbo who will be more than willing to be his Trophy Girlfriend…..it just won't be me.

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