Sunday, February 15, 2009

Post VD (thats Valentine Day....not Venereal Disease)

I've never had a venereal disease, but I think it would be the same as Valentine Day.

I have learned to not appreciate Valentine's Day. I know its just another Hallmark holiday, suckering people into purchasing overpriced items like flowers, chocolates, special prix fix menus, and special gifts that come in small little boxes which remind your beloved how much you really do love them. Wah wah least once in my adult life I want to enjoy all those LAME V-Day traditions. Ugh...ok, Bitter Betty Party of 1 !!!

So last night, instead of having an amazing v-day with a boy ending in fantastic romantic love making....i stayed home, cooked spaghetti and meatballs for my mum and me, and capped off the night with a late show of The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons. While sitting waiting for the movie to begin, up in the nose bleed seats (when you go with someone older to the movies, you either sit way up front or you sit up all the way in the back). I am with my Oldie, so we're sitting 2nd row from the last way at the top. As we're sitting there, slowly up the stairs come a couple hand in hand. The guy is like late 60ish....the woman is like early Oldie leans over to me and says, "Well, we know why she's with him". OMG, NO SHE DIDN'T!!!! I thought it was pretty crazy that my mother would actually say something like that. I think maybe my mom was jealous. I think she secretly wants an old man to take care of her. I openly want an old man to take care of her!!! Too bad my older gentleman friend was not interested in meeting my mom because they would have actually made a good couple.

So that was my Valentine 2009!

Oh...I didn't know why, but I had the feeling McLovin would have something to say in response to my last email to him. Well, I was right, the following is what he wrote:

Hi Lupita,

Wish you all the best! It was still great to meet you the other week. You can close out our match.

Take care,

I think this has been my best online break-up of all time.

1 comment:

Blushing Red said...

That's a nice reponse from McLovin! No asshole comment or weird, stalker guy comment. I guess that remains to be seen though. ;-)