Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tickle Me Tuesday

I suck. I had all intentions of going to the gym yesterday. I even got dressed into my gym clothes, but I felt so sleepy and tired that I decided to just go home and crawl into bed. Had I only gone home and crawled into bed, then I wouldn't suck so bad. I also went home and had a hamburger for dinner and 2 peanut butter cookies! How awesome. But today is a new day. I downloaded some good tunes last night for the gym. I am even going to go to a gym closer to my house (with hopefully some nice eye candy for while I am working out) and I plan on making today a not so tiring and shameful day. Maybe a change of scenery is what I need to get me motivated to go to the gym. The gym I last attended is very close to work, but it really smells. And the people who go are not so inspiring to look at. I know that sounds mean, but I need hot muscular good looking men walking around the gym for me to want to stick around and stare for at least 45 minutes! OMG, does that make me sound desperate for some peen??? Maybe, but its true!

On the boy front, I have not heard from my fedora wearing little friend from Sunday. I figured he kinda got the hint when I insisted he didn't have to walk me to my car…..but he did anyways and I felt compelled to give him a mercy good bye hug…..carefully trying not to have contact with his pit stains. So gross. Nonetheless….OMG, he hasn't called or email! wtf? Ok, I just had a total multi-personality mini breakdown in written form. I am trying to think of what new thing I am going to do this weekend. Maybe I will go to the Getty Museum and walk around. The only time I've been inside the museum I was rushed out of there after only 2 hours by my very hungry mother…..this time, Mama is staying home!

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