Monday, December 28, 2009

I Just Don't Anymore (42lbs...woo hoo!!)

I just read my last posting from about 5 months ago. Lots of things have happened since then and some things have stayed the same. The good thing is that I still have my wonderful close friends. I have learned to be a better friend with friends I was considering unfriending but realized I had too many years vested and maybe the friendship would just need to take on a different form. The new format is working well so far. I have found a new form of working out that works for me. One of my bffs introduced my to Zumba. Its this awesome dance workout that moves your entire body and gives you an awesome workout and gets you all hot and sweaty. Which is why I have managed to lose some lbs since I last blogged. I have fallen off the wagon a bit on account of the holidays and also my Zumba instructor has taken 2 weeks off for vacation. I know...excuses excuses....its not like I couldn't go to the gym!! But you know...whatever. I am going to do everything in moderation. Like today for example I went to the mall and shopped for about 5 hours and then had a burger and fries for dinner! me, by body is not liking it. I am feeling a little nauseous now as I type.

Dating wise, I have been on 1 date since the summer. I went out with this guy who I actually really liked.....but he just wasn't that into me. It took me a few weeks of trying to fool myself that maybe he really was too busy......but nope....he was just not into me and thats ok. I can say that without feeling bad....ummm....3 months later!

Tonight on facebook I unfriended a guy I dated. I think we dated some time last year. At first when I became his friend I cared about what he was up to, he new live in girlfriend (uh huh), and just what was going on with him. So tonight I was on facebook minding my own business and I saw a bunch of lame pictures from his Christmas party. He was in the pictures and so was his girlfriend....I looked through ALL of them of course...but then I was know, I really don't care anymore. So I unfriended him.

I have been on a "I just don't care" kinda mood today. I also said the same regarding someone I was good friends with many moons ago when I was asked how she was doing. My response was, "I don't know, and I don't care".

1 comment:

Julia@SometimesLucid said...

Great job on the weight loss, attitude and outlook on the future.